vrijdag 2 december 2011

The fists of Calth

Hi joske here from Deffgames,
in this blog I am going to show the parts of my  current 5000 pts Ultramarines army (FoC).
I named them the fists of Calth, to a planet from the Ultramar system (read about it in The Chapters Due from Graham McNeill) They bear a white trim and white chest eagle as well. I painted them with regal blue (gw) and a badab black wash and redone with the regal blue, highlighted with ultramarines blue, worked up to Spacewolf grey (all gw's). SO without further ado I give you already a seakpeak.

Let me know what you think, subscribe and if you haven't had enough you can find more on Youtube or dakka dakka by searching: fists of calth, Joske DeVeteraan, Rutga's army show or Rutga's WAAAGH

thx for the comments

Joske Out.

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