donderdag 15 december 2011

Fists of Calth Fluff

The fists of Calth are a small chapter but is considered an elite society of supreme warriors by other chapters.
The Fists of Calth are a second founding chapter and there was Ultramarine gene-seed used to create them.. They collaborate on most occasions with the Ultramarines as they are also a chapter that defends the Realm of Ultramar.. more specifically the planet of Calth. The Fists of Calth have their own traditions but follow the Codex Astartes as to be expected, although they modify the battle doctrines as they wish. They consider the Codex not as a Rulebook for War but more as guidelines for warfare. One of the most bespoken characteristics of the chapter is their lack of hunger to glory and fame. They rather get the job done than taking credit for it, they don't want to be praised or honored outside their own chapter halls.

Over more then a 1000 years on the of the finest of the scions of Guilliman, The Fists of Calth defended the human empire against the horrors of space; Orks, tyranids, Eldar, Necrons and even renegade Dark angels.
Although the Fists have a legendary hate for anything chaotic or deamonlike. When the Grey Knights of the Inquisition heard of this, they send a diplomat to ask for co-operation between the chapters. The Fists were honored and accepted the offer thankfully, this also contributes to the legend of the Fists of Calth, one of the few chapters, alloed to fight alongside the majestic Grey Knights without being obliged to a mind-wipe protocol afterwards. If you see a one of the Fists of Calth warriors on the field of battle you will notice that their bravery borders to madness and fanaticism, but they are not fools, as they are one of the best warriors the human kind has to offer! So don't fear their temper, they will never harm a pure citizen or warrior of the Imperium, they get every mission done, no matter what they are facing..

One of the biggest enemies of the Fists are the Orks, feral an brutal fungus with guttering language and absolutely no brain.. brute force is the only language they understand as well as in warfare as in their daily "society". The reason why the hate against the Orks burns so bright is the fact that the last hundreds of yours the Orks become more and more agressive and daring.. they also have had a lot of luck against the chapter and because of that they took already hundreds of battle-brothers.. But the Calths will overcome this green evil, even if they have to call in the Grey kngihts, the Orks will be crushed and sent back to their part of the Galaxy.. Slowly the Fists f Calth are learning the "tactics" of the Orks and they are changing theirs to counter the horde.. they are slowly learning how to defeat them and one day the tide will turn against the Orks.. One day..

In battle the Fists of Calth tend to use lighting fast assault units and pondering heavy weapons fire, although a combination of both in one army is rather tricky. As the both parts become outnumbered and unable to support each other. The actual battle tactics and clear strategy doctrines are collected in a tome which can only be opened by a captain or higher ranking officer of the chapter. No outsider will ever get the chance to look upon the pages or posses the tome, so is to deny the enemy the tactical information which is not included in the Astartes..

For the Emperor

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